
GUTMA Harmonized Skies 2023

Register Now$200.00

Free for ICAO Member States (& Resident Delegations): State representatives can attend Harmonized Skies 2023 at no cost.
Email to request a voucher code; no documentation is required. 

ICAO International Organizations:
1.   2 free-of-charge tickets: Send an email to from the head of the organization with the two names and email addresses to request a voucher code; no documentation is required.
2.  Additional IOs can request a $100.00 discount voucher. To request the discount code, send an email to

DRONE ENABLE 2023 Symposium Registration Fee

$950.00 – request the $100.00 discount voucher

Harmonized Skies 2023 registrants avail of a $100.00 discount voucher to register for the DRONE ENABLE 2023 Symposium. 
Send your request for the voucher code to

Registration procedure

Event Registration Login (

All registrants must have an account on ICAO’s registration system. It is a free-of-charge registration account.
Please find below the directions to request and create your account are below.  

Request a registration account

To request a new event registration account, please visit ICAO’s event registration website for the event you want to attend, in this case. After clicking the “Register for This Event” button, there will be a “Request an Account” link on the left side of the page. Once you have filled in the required information, you can proceed with the registration.

To register follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Go to the page on the event site you wish to attend. Click on the registration link on the page.
Step 2: Complete the required information on the registration form, then click on “Register”.
Step 3: Your registration request is submitted to ICAO for approval. You will receive an email regarding your registration status.
Step 4: Check your email for event invitation confirmation and access details. If your email was not received, please check your spam inbox.

Should you encounter any issues with your registration process, you may contact and copy