Panel 1 – GUTMA’s State of the UTM: what’s top of mind in key regions to allow meaningful commercial operations?

ICAO Headquarters December 4, 2023 9:55 am - 10:55 am

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Sebastian Babiarz
Peggy Devestel
Courtney Meares-Whitty
Reinaldo Negron
Junichi Sugihara
Sabrina Ussery

How is the drone services market expanding? The panel will compare regional approaches, examine global harmonization, and discuss GUTMA’s role in creating a truly global UTM system. 

The panel will focus on the gap that separates us from commercial operations and on what steps would need to be taken to open the markets. Simultaneously, presenters will contribute to an international comparison of the various regional approaches.

Join us for a global perspective on market forces, value drivers, and UTM vs. ATM.