The Global UTM Association (GUTMA) is thrilled to announce the third and last edition of the Harmonized Skies 2022 series: US UTM Conference: “The US way – From exemption to rule”. Harmonized Skies 2022 is a GUTMA initiative to gather key industry and policy stakeholders from all over the world to discuss the most topical issues surrounding the drone ecosystem.  

Following the success of the two previous events in Europe and Asia, the US UTM Conference will take place virtually on December 13-14, 2022 from 11:00am ET to 03:00pm ET*. The event will be focused on the topic of opening the drone service market in the United States, highlighting the importance of the US industry in this task.  

Organized around six high-level panels, GUTMA aims to showcase the specific industry developments and processes that are critical to opening the drone services market and allowing for scaling more automated operations. The panel discussions will also address possible ways to commercialize the services that those operations enable to offer and market opportunities. 

The US holds the key to key to open the drone service market and GUTMA is uniquely placed to spread a global message and show how good practices in the United States and other regions of the world could help build a strong US drone service ecosystem. The US is just the first step towards the harmonization of the skies worldwide. 


Registrations will open soon.

Learn more here: Harmonized Skies US 2022 – Global UTM Association Harmonized Skies US 2022 (  

Event sponsored by: DroneUp and ANRA Technologies.

*Timings on both days according to time zones 

  • 11:00am to 03:00pm ET [Washington D.C., US] 
  • 08:00am to 12:00pm PT [San Francisco, US] 
  • 05:00pm to 09:00pm CET [Brussels, Belgium] 
  • 01:00am to 05:00am JT [Tokyo, Japan]