We talked to Matthew Synborski, CTO at ResilienX, about his vision of the industry challenges and involvement in GUTMA .

” I joined the GUTMA Secure and Resilient UTM Task Force and was impressed by the thought leaders that were involved with the team that GUTMA brought together. ResilienX has been working in the background on our FRAIHMWORK product, and we’re excited to see that it is so relevant to mitigating UTM risks, such as cybersecurity, as highlighted by the task force report. The industry is working its way through the proof-of-concept phase and is getting ready to scale, using services and recommended frameworks like the ResilienX FRAIHMWORK platform. Regulations are in place or on the cusp of allowing this. We think this is the perfect time for ResilienX to step up into more of a leadership role in standards organizations and industry groups such as GUTMA, to help the UTM/AAM industry take that next step “

Matt Synborski, CTO at ResilienX

What is ResilienX, and what is its role and involvement within GUTMA?

ResilienX, Inc., is focused on deploying an in-time aviation safety management system (IASMS), which is needed for integrating autonomous systems into existing airspace systems at scale. Our goal and role within GUTMA will be to standardize and socialize safety-related data and services in UAS ecosystems. Understanding the real-time health, integrity, and performance of the systems and data involved in UTM environments and enabling automated mitigations to manage contingencies as issues arise will be critical to establishing trust and scaling the industry.

According to you, what are the biggest industry challenges at the moment?

The biggest industry challenge is purely scale. If the industry can scale, there will be a lot of winners, and uncrewed systems will do amazing things. Scalability is held back by a myriad of constraining factors. Regulation is the first thing people look at, but if we look past regulation, there is still so much friction to scaling the industry, such as interoperability and harmonization of supporting systems. The UAS ecosystem lacks sufficient infrastructure for complex operations in high-risk environments, which also happens to be where a lot of business cases will be made. We also see a problem with needing years of uncrewed aviation experience to navigate all of the aviation-related complexities just to put a camera in the sky.

What are the advantages of working along the full ecosystem?

ResilienX has taken an ecosystem approach to UAS integration and is working with partners across the entire value chain to develop safety-critical system-of-systems solutions. We believe in the need for systems engineering in all aviation-related activities and take a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach to ecosystem development and formal verification and validation (V&V) for ecosystem functional and performance requirements. Individual systems may be mature, but the interconnected system of systems we have seen in the industry has not matured yet or are leveraged for their value but were not originally designed for UTM integration. This has led to some companies developing vertically integrated solutions, which are much more expensive and still require tried-and-true verification, validation, and qualification to be put into use.


Matt Synborski is the CTO at ResilienX, a startup founded to address in-time system-wide safety assurance (ISSA) of complex system of systems. Mr. Synborski has been involved with integrating drones in the United States National Airspace since 2011 as a software designer for the US Army’s Ground Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) system, which was approved by the FAA for routine BVLOS drone operations in 2016. Mr. Synborski has over 20 years of experience as an INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) systems and software engineer in Air Traffic Management, Defense Surveillance Systems, and UTM System domains.


ResilienX, Inc. is the trusted leader of safety assurance solutions for autonomous ecosystems. With a mission to protect the world from autonomous error, their FRAIHMWORK software platform monitors the health, integrity, and performance of the systems involved in scaled AAM operations. With customers spanning federal, state, and commercial organizations, ResilienX orchestrates the mitigation of off-nominal situations and assists with automated contingency management. Founded in 2018 in Syracuse, NY, they are focused on ensuring the safe integration of UAS into existing airspace systems and transforming mobility around the world. 

For more information, visit www.resilienx.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-synborski/