GUTMA to become part of the EU Drone Leaders’ Group

GUTMA to become part of the EU Drone Leaders’ Group

We are delighted to announce that our association has been invited to join the EU Drone Leaders’ Group. The Group will assist the Commission in the preparation of its “Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe”.  The...
GUTMA to participate to the World ATM Congress 2021

GUTMA to participate to the World ATM Congress 2021

GUTMA is thrilled to announce its participation in the World ATM Congress and Expodronica taking place 26-28 October 2021 in Madrid, Spain.  The Congress will feature exhibitions, product demonstrations and conference sessions attended by the leading aviation...
Meet our member – Sebastian Babiarz

Meet our member – Sebastian Babiarz

We talked to Sebastian Babiarz, Co-President of GUTMA, about his responsibilities within the board and his work at Dronheub. You have recently renewed your mandate as Co-President, now representing Dronehub. Can you tell us more about your role at GUTMA? As a...
GUTMA Publishes UTM Standards Report

GUTMA Publishes UTM Standards Report

GUTMA is thrilled to announce the publication of its latest UTM Standards Report [members-only]. The document features up-to-date information on the development of UTM standards and includes the work schedules of the world’s top leading Standards Developing...