The Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity (ACJA), is a collaboration initiative between GUTMA and the GSMA to align communities regarding aerial cellular connectivity. Simon Johnson, the acting Secretary General of the Global UTM Association and Barbara Pareglio the Technical Director, Drone Interest Group at the GSMA IoT Programme form the Joint Activity Steering Group.
The ACJA will focus on promoting interchange and understanding between the aviation and cellular communities to enhance information sharing and avoid incompatibilities between groups. Until now the two communities have mostly investigated the topic independently, which has led to a misalignment of understanding, architecture, priorities, and standards.
The ACJA was formed to make tangible progress towards addressing this misalignment through several initiatives such as aligning Standard Development Organisations (SDO’s) and creating a platform from which stakeholders from the aviation and mobile industries can share their views.
The AJCA endeavours to:
- Facilitate communication between the two communities;
- Implement a stronger alignment of the SDOs (Standard Development Organization) from the two communities;
- Seek mutually acceptable architectures, interfaces, methods and promote interoperability.
To support these endeavours, the ACJA have a Decision Board and Work Task leaders comprised of industry experts; Barbara Pareglio, Mark Davis, Vanessa Kuroda, Peter Musgrove, Jarrett Larrow, Stefano Faccin, Thomas Neubauer, Gerry Libunao and James (Jim) H. William
Membership to the ACJA is free for all GUTMA and GSMA members. Information on how to get involved can be found here.
GUTMA is very excited about kick-starting this partnership to improve collaboration in our communities, and proud of all involved to make this a success.
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If you would like more information, please visit ACJA webpage.