Task Force Member focus: Ericsson Drone Mobility’s contribution to the GUTMA Secure and Resilient TF Report
Cybersecurity in the UTM context has an expansive scope since it touches cyber-physical systems and covers different domains. The threat modelling template conceptualised by the Secure and Resilient UTM Task Force introduces a way of thinking to address the issues of...
Task Force Member focus: ANGOKA’s contribution to the GUTMA Secure and Resilient TF Report
Cybersecurity in the UTM context has an expansive scope since it touches cyber-physical systems and covers different domains. The threat modelling template conceptualised by the Secure and Resilient UTM Task Force introduces a way of thinking to address the issues of...
Task Force Member focus: TII’s contribution to the GUTMA Secure and Resilient TF Report
Cybersecurity in the UTM context has an expansive scope since it touches cyber-physical systems and covers different domains. The threat modelling template conceptualised by the Secure and Resilient UTM Task Force introduces a way of thinking to address the issues of...
GUTMA announces its new Board of Directors
On May 22, representatives from GUTMA's Members convened online for the 2024 General Assembly (GA). The GA is an essential event each year, focusing on the strategic direction of our Association. This year, the Assembly reviewed the Association's achievements and...
GUTMA Task Force releases USS Data Sharing and Governance Agreement Template
Download the GUTMA USS Data Sharing and Governance Agreement Template! The USS Data Sharing Agreement Task Force, led by the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), has completed its work. The objective of the Task Force was to deliver a master agreement...
GUTMA Task Force Secure and Resilient UTM Report published
Download the GUTMA Secure and Resilient UTM Task Force Report! UTM is a crucial national infrastructure technology, predominantly digital, whose security has become a top priority. Ecosystem enablers must be keenly aware of the security implications of UTM services....
GUTMA Newsletter
Low-traffic update channel to stay informed about the latest developments in UTM.

Global UTM Association (GUTMA)
Non-profit professional organisation
“For a safe and efficient UAS integration into civil airspace”