GUTMA is thrilled to announce the publication of its latest UTM Standards Report [members-only]. The document features up-to-date information on the development of UTM standards and includes the work schedules of the world’s top leading Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) for the coming months.
Since the beginning of its journey, GUTMA has placed itself at the forefront of the standards development process by working together with SDOs such as ASTM International and GSMA to pursue a successful UAS integration. The full integration of drones into the civil airspace will be a defining moment for the entire transport industry, but this will require the involvement of many different sectors and stakeholders, including the telecommunications and Internet-of-Things (IoT) industries.
Standards development plays a crucial role in a forward-looking industry such as that of UAS; with its long-term vision, GUTMA will ensure that safety, sustainability and the opinions of all its members will continue to be highly regarded in the process.
This Standards Report is only a first steppingstone of an ambitious reporting endeavour: future standards reports will be published and made available to members on a regular basis.
Note to GUTMA Members | The report is available in the Members Area. Interested in membership? Please contact the GUTMA Secretariat at [email protected].